
The main goal of the project is the development of a platform for quality assurance in the production of software consisting principally of:
a tool for the optimization of service processes based on communications and business intelligence techniques, for the management of software projects
within the scope of the Professional Web -Web 2.0 with Business Intelligence features-
addressed to progressive quality assurance in some of the levels established by the CMMI model
a repository of tools, utilities, documentary assets,... to support the previous tool, providing information comprising aspects necessary for quality assurance, such as
metrics, IT verification and validation applications,...
a public portal for knowledge dissemination about quality assurance, as a single access point to a private professional network and a system of collaborative project management environments
a private professional network of SMEs developing a quality assurance program for their projects management, integrated at the previous portal so that:
the repository will be accessible to any member of the network
the tool is customized to any entity and according to the responsibilities that the user has in the entity
provides services to all SMEs interested in implementing a quality model regarding software development, with a significant cost reduction based on the use of shared resources and dynamic quality assurance, achieved through the ordinary tasks of project development
in the scope of a private professional network in which all agents will have their own working environment to perform quality assurance through the management of their own projects
as a support for a set of organized companies, in relation to the objectives listed above, as a federated system
with a central unit of governance, by delegation of the responsibilities of the professional network, responsible for providing the means to network entities under the form of shared
a federated system for which a governance model, a security model, a privacy model, an audit model and a software quality model for network management will be established
and, finally, the development of
a Project Web aimed at disseminating knowledge, outreach to potential user groups and, with private access, control and monitoring of the project itself.


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